How often do we praise our God with all that we have? We can take the daily routines of our lives for granted, focusing on those frustrations. Yet when we take a moment to contemplate all that God has done for us we recognise the blessings that we have received and all that He does for us.
Hopefully you have had time over the summer to relax and reflect on God’s blessings. I had the fortune to spend some time this summer in New Zealand and a chance to relax in the thermal pools at Hanmer Springs. Just seeing the snow-capped Southern Alps in the distance and the beautiful plants around the pools reminded me of the wonder of God’s creation. As I enjoyed the warmth of the pools in the peaceful surroundings, it reminded me of the peace we can encounter when we trust in our Lord.
It also reminded me that I do not praise our God as frequently as I should. Certainly, as we read Psalm 103 there is an awful lot to praise our God about. David as he writes the Psalm acknowledges this and reminds himself to praise God. As he reflects on all God has done both for himself and mankind. But he starts with that most important gift from God, the forgiveness of our sins. When we understand how we stand before the righteousness of God, the amazing gift of His forgiveness and love for us, can only lead us to praise Him. Indeed, David highlights that God’s love for us is the crowning glory.
David goes on to highlight God’s patience with us. While he does become angry it is only after much patience, mercy and grace. Indeed what a picture to think of our sins being removed as far as the east is from the west. If you think of this on a flat plane then this means that our transgressions are moved to one side of the universe from us on the other.
I know from my experience as a father, that while I love my daughter with all my heart, my patience is not that great and sometimes I can continue to reflect on her actions. But then our Lord’s love is that much greater and when I realise this I cannot but praise Him and be thankful. Indeed our Heavenly Father recognises our frailties and yet still promises that if we acknowledge Him for who He is, His love will be with us forever.
As I have read and prepared this blog, focusing on the God’s love for us and our need to praise Him, I cannot but draw a similar conclusion to David that God is worthy of not just our praise but that of all heaven.
I try and take time each day, in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening to pray. As I reflect on the challenges ahead and what has passed, I try to also focus on our Lord and what he has done. This can lead to times of real praise and worship, when what can have seemed an insurmountable problem actually becomes a situation where I have seen God at work.
I just wish that I did this more often so as David concludes I encourage myself and you to:-
“Praise the Lord O my soul.”