Everything in this world is constantly shifting. This week following the discovery of a fossil named Danuvius guggenmosi in Germany, scientists decided that primates have been walking on two legs for 12 million years rather than 6... but then what is 6 million years between scientists?
I know it was a long time ago, but many things they taught me when I went to school are now known to be plain wrong. And morally much of what was unquestioned then is totally unacceptable now whilst much that was strongly disapproved of then is now accepted, or even celebrated, now. Then we have other fads, such as Emma Watson announcing her status as self-partnered.
So it is with great relief that the psalmist affirms Your word Lord is eternal, it stands firm in the heavens. It reflects the unchanging, faithful character and will of the Eternal God. It is as true and relevant today as it ever has been. That is why you can rely on it; build your life on it. God's Word is bedrock for our lives. Jesus taught that basing your life on anything else is like building on shifting sands whereas the wise man hears his words and puts them into practice. Then you build on solid rock.
'For ever your word is in the heavens' v89 is balanced by 'for ever I will not forget or neglect your word.' v93. The psalmist is a very satisfied consumer of God's Word. In fact it is a matter of life and death to him. he says, 'By your precepts your have 'lifted me' - given me life, saved my life, preserved my life. Without it I would have perished in my affliction but your life has been a buoyancy aid to keep me from drowning. It has been a delight to me, especially in affliction. Affliction has not defined or swamped me because of your word. I would not have come through my dark times without your word telling me how to stay calm and obedient in the light of your constant loyal love to me. You know you love God's Word if you can't keep out of it. And as it is boundless there is always more to discover. v96.
We Christians were born again when the word of Jesus germinated in our hearts and He really did save our lives through His Word. The best thing about the Bible is that in it we get to know Him and then get to know Him better, the greatest joy from the greatest love, especially in our hard times.