Have you ever been in a place where you couldn't trust anyone? They didn't spite you to your face, quite the opposite. They said exactly what they thought you wanted to hear. Their compliments were a bit creepy especially when their comments to other people got back to you. They smile in your face but all day long they want to take your place, the backstabbers, as the old song goes. (vv1,2)
Some people who are good with words think they can talk their way into or out of anything. In fact they rely on their charm to make it through life. Then there are the con-men who scam vulnerable people or slippery expensive lawyers who can always find a loophole to get their rich client off. It's great to know they wont have the last word when it comes to justice being done. (v5)
What a relief then to have someone you can always trust because He always speaks the truth. (v6) What a blessing to open the Bible every day and get perfect sense and wise counsel. The care taken and quality control over Scripture could not be higher.
When there are so many voices assailing us in a world where "what is vile is honoured by the human race" (v8) (nothing has changed here then) how good is it to have the gold standard of truth? And what quality control do we exercise over our own words?
Thks for sharing Tim. A reminder that corruption & deceit are in the words of some but for the righteous, we are challenged to speak words that build others up & are a blessing to those who hear our words.