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Psalm 16 – Life’s True Source

Writer's picture: Emile LeighEmile Leigh

Regardless of who we are or what we have or our experiences of life – we all have in common the need for physical, material, emotional, relational and spiritual fulfilment.

Why is that? Well, we are all created by God – (body, soul and spirit) and not only has God given us desires for specific needs, He has promised to meet our every need (Philippians 4:19, Psalm 145:16) and desires that we prosper in our body (physically), soul (emotionally) and spirit (spiritually).

This psalm shows us that David understood his relationship with God, to be his one and only source, from which every need of his is met (v2). Our desires are natural but having them met legitimately would require us to look to God, as David did (v5) – otherwise, we run the risk of relying on our own resources, only to realise that what we thought was good and seemed right, actually never did satisfy - thus leaving us empty and vulnerable.

God expects us to come to him with our every need, after-all He created us, knows what’s best and is able to richly bless. No wonder David exclaimed “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup … the boundary lines (referring to his life) have fallen for me in pleasant places…- so like David, let's keep our eyes & heart always on the Lord.

Unfortunately, whenever we pursue alternative ways of meeting our needs, we only enslave ourselves, causing us to ‘… suffer more and more’ (v4) and robbing ourselves of the very things we truly yearn for i.e. long-lasting peace, ever increasing joy, total security, provision, acceptance, wise counsel and a sense of life’s purpose to name but a few. All these needs and more are met in God, who makes known to us the path of life (v11).

Having our Father God at our right hand, implies we have divine protection (therefore nothing to fear), supernatural help when needed and spiritual strength to stand against the forces of evil. Simply put, we would not be shaken as David declared (v8) with God at our side.

So with all that we have need of, we will not be foolish if we choose not to "look to" or "pursue that" which does not satisfy but instead turn to God - our true source, to receive from Him that which truly enriches, empowers, edifies, equips, secures and blesses, thus bringing us much joy and even eternal pleasures.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, like David my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices knowing that in Christ Jesus all my needs are met. Wrap me in your love and fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I may continually and confidently rest in your care for me. Amen.

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1 Comment

Jan 23, 2019

How favoured we are to have our source of Life in the Eternal. Never quite seen the suffer more and more which is the fate of those looking to the world for satisfaction.

Thanks for these helpful meditations.

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Hope Church Sutton
Time: Every Sunday at 10am
Place: Sutton Grammar School (Greyhound Road entrance), 

Place: Sutton, SM1 4AN


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