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Psalm 23 - We Lack Nothing! Why?


Psalm 23 is possibly the greatest song ever written. The composer was David who was not only a masterful musician known for he's amazing gift of song writing & playing, but he also was next in line as the anointed heir of the throne of Israel, one of the worlds super powers of that generation.

Whilst it is hard to tell exactly when David wrote this Psalm, the likely chance is that David possibly wrote this Psalm just after he's victory over Goliath & Philistine army.

You can just imagine it, David's name and fame would have been off the charts.

He stands a young; 18 to 20 something rugged national champion of Israel.

So what is so significant about this song? What is the composures intent? Surely it would be about he's ability. No! You/I/We couldn't be more wrong.

The whole Hymn is about "The LORD" Yahweh! From the first stanza to the last (v1, v6) David continuously references "The LORD". "He" and "You" (referring to Yahweh) is used 8/9 times.

He makes, He leads, He restores, You prepare...

This Psalm is all about the LORD and David's confidence in the Lord care as both a Shepherd who cares for the sheep (vv1 -4) and the Lord as Host who cares for his guest (vv5-6).

In the Psalm David is celebrating God's greatness and majesty. We see the LORD's majesty in the way he personally attends to each of his covenant lambs.

So what does that mean for David then and us now as his covenant lambs;

vv1-4 The Lord as Shepherd.

Just as a shepherd cares for his sheep, so the Lord cares for his people, providing for their needs, guiding them, and protecting them;

v2 we can enjoy peaceful places for rest and feeding (still waters and green pastures)

v3 he will restores and refreshes our souls

v3 he will lead his faithful towards righteousness

v4 we have no need to fear any evil (even death), why because the Lord is with us to comfort us.

vv5-6 The Lord as Host.

This part of the Psalm really emphasis the intimate relationship the Lord has with His covenant people. We a are guests that the Lord desires to serve us, even in the presence of our enemies which means that the enemies (Satan and our Sin) are powerless.

David finishes off the Psalm with an eternal reassuring promise;

(v6) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

I am not sure of your current situation or circumstance, but I hope this brief message comes as an encouragement to you. Because of the LORD, as His Covenant people through Jesus, "we lack nothing"

In Christ

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Hope Church Sutton
Time: Every Sunday at 10am
Place: Sutton Grammar School (Greyhound Road entrance), 

Place: Sutton, SM1 4AN


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