The big question this psalm of David asks is: who may ascend the mountain of YHWH (v3)? In other words, who is fit to be in God's presence?
For the whole earth and every person alive belongs to him (v1). When he created the world, the seas were ground level, then the earth built on top (v2). But the penthouse level is at the top of God's holy mountain. Which special few, of all those he owns, have the special key for the elevator that allows them right up there, nearest to God?
You might expect David to say the High Priest. Or perhaps a great prophet. Or surely the king himself? No - it could be any person. But they must do two things:
1. Seek God (v6). Only those who really yearn to know him get access to him.
2. Clean hands and a pure heart (v4). Clean hands are people who live their outward lives in obedience to God's Law. Of course a godly life always proceeds from a godly heart. The pure heart means an undivided one - single-mindedly devoted to God (not idols, v4b) and keeping his Law.
Jesus summarised this psalm in the beatitudes: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)
And then the psalm ends very strangely (or so it seems at first). The gates and doors (presumably of the Temple) are exhorted to lift up their heads because the mighty God is coming (v7-10). Imagine soldiers on guard at Buckingham Palace, but the Queen hasn't visited in years. They stand slouched, discouraged, head lowered. Then the announcement goes out, "The Queen is coming!" and suddenly they all stand up straight, heads held high. Finally she is coming, my waiting was worth it, my job is fulfilled.
So why is this bit here? My best understanding is that as the pure hearted ascend the mountain to seek their God, he comes to them on his Holy Temple on that mount. In other words, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." God comes to those who are pure and who seek him.
This makes me want to pray in two ways:
Firstly praise. Jesus, our Lord, sought his Father with clean hands and a pure heart. And God raised him from the dead and he ascended to the top of the mountain where he is sat in the presence of his Father he sought.
Secondly seeking. I pray that I would see God. To know his presence in my life today and for that great Day when I will see him face to face. I pray that he would increase in me my desire to seek him more. I pray that he would create in me a pure heart as he has been doing by his grace.
Photo by Matteo Catanese on Unsplash