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Psalm 51 : Victory over sin


Thanks be to God [ for my deliverance] through Jesus Christ our Lord ! Romans 7:25

The background of this psalm is found in 2 Samuel chapter 11. If you are not familiar with the text, it is worth reading to understand the context of this psalm. David wasn't a heathen, he was a strong believer in God. He was known as 'a man after God's own heart' ( see Acts 13:22) .

From the account in 2 Samuel, it is evident that David's sin grew in leaps and bounds, from covetousness to adultery and then to manslaughter! Do you read 2 Samuel 11 and shudder in unbelief at what David did? Please don't be too much in a hurry to condemn David. Matthew Henry wrote, 'The best of saints may be tempted to the worst of sins'. Some sins happen and are soon forgotten but in David's case, Bathsheba who he later married was a constant reminder of his past sins and failures. If we are honest, we know very well that we have been there many times ourselves. Thank God that this particular story about David didn't end the moment Prophet Nathan exposed his sins. Our story doesn't have to end when the skeleton in our cupboard is discovered. There is hope of restoration !

Psalm 51 is an emotional text laden with grief, pain, guilt . Lessons to learn from David, vs 3-4, he acknowledged and confessed his sin, and asked for forgiveness. He asked for cleansing vs 7, 9 and prayed for restoration in vs 10. Sin breaks our fellowship with God. In vs 12-13, David recounts that once he is restored to fellowship with God, God would then be able to use him to teach or counsel others. When we sin, we should never make excuses. By doing so , we harden our hearts. David declares in vs 17 “ … My [only] sacrifice [acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; A broken and contrite heart [broken with sorrow for sin, thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise “ (AMP version). Psalm 51 reminds us that sin is not just an act , it is an affection of the heart and needs to be constantly replaced with a greater affection for our Saviour Jesus through the gospel. As believers , there is a promise in the Bible for us each time we sin – 1 John 1:9 “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose]”. (AMP version)

It is true that we have the sin nature in us but in Christ we have been freed from the power of sin. (Romans 6) We are not just sinners saved by grace, we are also saints of God, not slaves to sin any more. That my friends should be our default orientation as we journey to eternity. Praise God for victory over sin ! So let us live as victors !!



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Hope Church Sutton
Time: Every Sunday at 10am
Place: Sutton Grammar School (Greyhound Road entrance), 

Place: Sutton, SM1 4AN


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