With Psalm 3 we get into prayer - Me and you Lord. David is in crisis with threats all round him. Lord, How my enemies have swarmed all over me! Nobody gives him a chance - everyone has turned against him to go with his son, Absolam, and everyone's saying God has finished with him.
David says what he is going to do - cry out to the Lord, keep going to bed and getting up and not giving way to fear. His prayer is raw, direct, peremptory. Stir yourself Lord and save me, Smash my enemies in the face, knock their teeth out!
Maybe we don't pray like this because the situation is desperate and we are not. Maybe we don't pray like this because we don't have David's absolute reliance on the Lord. When attacked He is his shield. When shame d He is his glory. When his chin drops the Lord lifts his head. "My dear child look into my face". May our prayers be more desperate and God -dependent in 2019.
David clearly knew who his God was - One of great strength, power and might. David cried out from a place of intimacy with God, confident of where his deliverance would come from. May we all grow deeper in our intimacy with God. Shalom !!!