We get into hazier territory now in the psalms so a few pointers may help in the mist.
Psalm 7 title, verses 1-5
Many of David's Psalms were written when we was under attack, chased vv1,5; stalked as by a lion v2.
The title is included in the Bible. It's a song, in a minor key, David sings to the Lord about someone who had it in for him, Cush. Saul, the paranoid king, surrounded himself with Benjamites when he was hunting David down in the Judean desert. Although David is under the threat of physical violence it seems his reputation is in danger of being trashed. v5 is literally let my glory lay in the dust.
When you feel you are being stalked by lion who can you turn to? Someone may have it in for you. How will you react? David runs to the Lord as his safe place. He does protest his innocence but his first move is to open up his life before the One whom he looks to for justice.
So we have the repeated if... vv3,4. If I have done this, what I am accused of; dishing the dirt on a friend or dropping them in it; or if I have stolen anything from my rival, like his position or reputation, then let me have what is coming to me, Lord.
It is good to review our life and conduct before God, especially when there is some friction in our relationships. Spend some time asking the Lord if there is anything He does not appreciate in the way you have dealt with others.
verses 6-11
David then focuses on the Lord his God, especially in his role as judge. So many things we fret about and try to sort out ourselves we really need to place in the hands of The One who will sort everything and everyone out. God is not just an impartial dispenser of justice, he feels injustice very strongly. v6 your anger, your indignation.
David is sure he is on the side of right. He has not compromised his integrity even when he had at least two opportunities to kill his stalker. (1 Samuel 24,26) It is because he trusts God to bring about justice that he hasn't taken matters into his own hands.
Whatever grievances you have or injustices you have suffered use these verses to telescope the Lord before your eyes and shelter behind Him as your shield. No doubt David had a hefty shield, and we can be tempted to hide behind something that makes us feel safe (ability, achievement, money, popularity...). But the only true security is God Most High, (v10) who "saves me" through Christ.
And remember that this psalm, as so many others, fits Jesus perfectly and us only roughly. But we are righteous because we are in Him by faith.
verses 12-17
This is the resolution of David's fear. He emerges singing praises to the Lord. v17 Not only is God Most High righteous himself He gives His righteousness, (vindication, validation) to his children. It's always great to sing to the Lord - think of a song of praise now and sing it either audibly or in your heart if you're on the train.
My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, (mood) but wholly lean on Jesus' name.
Christ alone, Cornerstone; weak made strong in the Saviour's love,
through the storm He is Lord Lord of all.
When darkness seems to hide his face, I rest on his unchanging grace.
Through every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.
That was David's testimony. He came through. The lies being conceived by Cush would rebound back on his own head. (vv14-16) That is in part how God's justice works. So don't be scared of threats and lies but shelter in Christ.